I Need A Hero: The Italian-Style Deli Sandwich

Hey friends! Just a quick little posty-poo for today because I’m working on a butt ton of other exciting stuff right now. It’s lunchtime (or at least it was when I got the idea for this), so let’s take a look at how to make a big ol’ tasty Italian-style deli sandwich.
There’s not really any secrets here. 90% of the battle is won just by getting really good quality bread, meats and cheese. The better your fillings, the better your sandwich. Feel free to load your favorite meats and cheese in there alongside, or instead of, mine.

Do I put mayonnaise? Yeah. Is that “traditional”? No, I don’t think it is. Does mayonnaise make everything taste better, including other mayonnaise? You bet yer arse it do.
If I have to make one rule about a sandwich like this, then it’s to use the freshest, greenest iceberg lettuce you can get your hands on. Shred it thinly and let the oils from the jarred vegetables run into it.
Oh, and don’t skip on the pepperoncini, either. This sammie benefits from some heat. It’s exciting, it’ll wake up your taste buds!

I mean, what else is there to say? It’s a big ol’ sandwich. Let’s hit it.
Italian-Style Deli Sandwich
- 1 standard sub bun (try to get it without sesame seeds, all they had when I got mine were sesame seed ones, I’m still not okay about it)
- 1 TBSP pepperoncini, chopped finely with its oil into a paste
- 1.5 TBSP mayonnaise
- 3 slices mortadella
- 2 slices prosciutto cotto
- 2 slices capicollo
- 1 TBSP hot eggplant in oil
- 1 fistful iceberg lettuce, finely shredded
- 3 slices provolone
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

- Slice that bun lengthwise. Spread your pepperoncini paste liberally on the bottom half and your mayonnaise equally as liberally on the top half.
- Gently layer your meats onto the pepperoncini-paste-covered-half-of-the-bun.
- Sprinkle your lettuce artfully on top of your meats, making peace with the fact that it will go absolutely everywhere.
- Top the lettuce with your eggplant, and drizzle an extra little bit of the oil onto the lettuce if you so like (I like).
- Top that off with the provolone and top THAT off with the top bun.
- Scramble around the kitchen, holding the sandwich together, looking for toothpicks to aid in your photo taking. Realize there are none. Sigh in defeat.
- Eat the messy sandwich and be happy.

I mean, that’s really all there is to it. It’s a treat of a sandwich that’ll evoke memories of grabbing one from your favorite deli on a sunny day. It’s meaty, oily and delicious. What more could you want from your lunch?
Since this is a shorter post, I’d like to take this opportunity to 1) Thank everyone who’s reading, whether you’ve been here since the beginning or this is your first time here. I really appreciate all the views, comments, e-mails that aren’t from bots and good vibes you all send me. This blog is a lot of fun to do, and really gives me the confidence to keep putting my writing out there into the world.
And 2) I’d also like to take this opportunity to say that as a white dude who (sometimes) cooks for a living, I acknowledge the trend of cultural appropriation that happens via cooking, and personally apologize for any part I may have played in it. Everything I do here on this blog is for fun and entertainment, and although I will, from time to time, give my interpretations of dishes from the cuisines of other cultures, I am in no way an expert on them. I am not seeking to make any money off the backs of any BIPOC chefs and if I take inspiration from anyone, I will always make sure they are credited.
All that’s meant to happen here is me sharing food I like to cook with you, but I realize that I can always do better. I’m always open to listen, learn and improve, so if you take any issue with what you read here, know that I don’t intend to rip anyone’s culture off and I’m always dedicated to making this an inclusive space. Just let me know what I can do better.
Have a great weekend, everybody! Eat something delicious, cook something nice for someone you love and send me an email, or leave a comment down below! Back next week with a much-requested favorite dish of mine!
I discovered your blog years after lockdown and really appreciate you sharing your techniques and tips.
As a person of colour, I personally think getting salty over white folks “appropriating” cuisine is ridiculous. The joy of cooking is in interpreting a recipe to your tastes and I think fusion cuisine is a natural evolution of cooking and absolutely delightful. What’s more indicative of cultures mingling peacefully than different cuisines melding together to create something totally new and unique and delicious?
I hope you and Liz are doing well and continuing to eat good food!