Mental Health Monday: Inaugural Edition

How’s everybody feeling today? Are we okay? It’s a brand-new week, but we’re still inside. I can tell you I’m starting to get a bit stir-crazy. I’m the type of person that really likes to have a routine or a set schedule to adhere to. Problem is, I usually rely on somebody else to set the schedule, and I pencil in the “me time” where I can. Being in control of the flow of all my days has left me feeling a bit… adrift? Are any of you feeling that way, too?
It’s important to look after your mental health during a time like this. It’s easy to fall into a rut, but as weird and uncertain as things are right now, we have an opportunity to use it as a time of personal growth. What are the things you like? I mean, the things you really like? Getting in touch with those things can make this scary time all the more bearable. Get up and DO some things, they don’t have to be big.
For instance, me, I really like cooking, even after all this time, so I’ve been doing a lot of it lately. The more I cook here, the more I realize how much I enjoy cooking at home for two people. As I’ve said, it’s different than restaurant cooking. You have more control. And while restaurant cooking can be hectic and sometimes stressful, I’m finding cooking at home can be… I dunno, cathartic? I’m getting to make classic, old-school dishes that I haven’t made in years. It’s really nice.
Also, I’m baking, which is something I’m quite garbage at, but I really want to do more of it. When the whole stay-home thing started, I made a little sourdough starter and today I made my first loaf out of it. It’s cooling on the counter right now, and I started writing this so I was distracted enough not to tear into it right away. But it looks pretty nice, no?

Speaking of writing, that’s (obviously) another thing I enjoy, and this time at home has given me the opportunity to try and hone my skills a bit before trying to get a job in this new career path. I’m grateful for the feedback I’ve gotten so far on this blog, and I really encourage you to interact, send messages or emails and tell me how I’m doing, or what you’d like to see coming up in this space. I live to serve, after all.
I mean, other than that, just find something you love to do and just do it. Even if you kinda think it’s weird or lame, if you love it (and it doesn’t hurt anyone and you can do it without leaving the house) get into it! Use this time to grow, and if you’re lucky enough to have a partner quarantined with you that’s the very supportive, non-judgemental type, all the better! Liz has put up with me sharing my love for collectible card games and even, bless her heart, learned to play Yu-Gi-Oh against me (she MUST be bored) and doesn’t make me feel like a huge dork for being excited about it. That’s love, friends. But, more importantly, the act of doing something you love is good for the soul and the mind, and we could all use a bit of that, lately.
So, get up off the couch for just a few minutes. Do a couple squats. Make something nice to eat. Pet your dog, cat or rabbits. And then DO THE THING, whatever that thing is that you tell yourself you never have time to pursue or that you think is too lame to share with others. Your mind will thank you.
Okay, next post, back to straight up cooking and restaurant stuff, I promise.
Nice article. Your tone is great – personable and optimistic. I find it comforting to hear others perspectives and range of struggles as it can make some of my more trivial ones take a bit more self caring mind set! Keep up the great work!
Thanks for reading and commenting, my guy! I’m glad you got something out of this post, and I hope you’ll keep reading in the future.
great read! Love what you do n do what you love more!!! I enjoy reading your posts, Cheers!
Thanks for reading, Dhaval. Hope all is well for you, and I hope you’ll keep reading as I keep writing.