Tag: peppers

The Grey Sky Buster: Hamburger Hash

The Grey Sky Buster: Hamburger Hash

Good morning, friends and neighbors! It’s a rainy, grey one here in Ottawa. We’ve had some beautiful, sunshiny days up until now, but into every life, a little rain must fall. I guess that’s today. We had a hard time getting out of bed what 

EY YO, Angela! We’re Makin’ Sausage and Peppers, Over Here!

EY YO, Angela! We’re Makin’ Sausage and Peppers, Over Here!

Why is it so damn cold? It’s freezing! Isn’t the fact that we’re locked down inside, hiding from a pandemic and murder hornets enough? It’s gotta be chilly, too? Weather like this permits prolonging the making of rich, hearty, stewey-type meals, so let’s see what