I’ve Lost Respect For Danny Meyer

I’ve Lost Respect For Danny Meyer

So, just a quick post today. Just some thoughts rolling around in my head. Is it cooking focused? No. Is it restaurant focused? Kind of? Do you know who Danny Meyer is? He’s the owner of multiple prominent restaurants in the States and around the 

A Few Thoughts On Culinary Credentials

A Few Thoughts On Culinary Credentials

Hello again! Another week in absentia from me when it comes to posting, I apologize. It’s been busy. I had some health stuff to take care of. I’m trying to be more active as an admin on the Food and Beverage Industry Ottawa Facebook group. 

The Upsides of Being A Chef

The Upsides of Being A Chef

Hey! I’m here! I’m not dead! Sorry about the absence, everyone. I should have said something before I left. I took some away-from-the-internet time to get some things done around the house, have a lovely birthday with Liz and retreat up to a cottage in 

The Precarious Position Phase 3 Puts Us In

The Precarious Position Phase 3 Puts Us In

This one is mostly for my friends in the restaurant industry. So, it’s very likely that you’re going back to work soon, if you’re not already there. The restaurant industry was one of the hardest hit by COVID-19. It’s possible that things may never go 

Just a Quick Update

Just a Quick Update

Just a quick, little update about what’s been going on with me outside of blog-land. My third article about the Ottawa-restaurant scene has just been published. It’s about Corner Peach, and you can read it right here. With this article comes the news that I 

What Does It Mean To Be A Chef?

What Does It Mean To Be A Chef?

What does it mean to be a chef? I mean, what does it really mean? Not the Webster’s definition, but what does it mean to you, your life? What happens? I spent a good chunk of my life cooking professionally, working my way up the 

A Quick Post and A Couple Links

A Quick Post and A Couple Links

Hey everybody! Just a quick post and a couple of links today. The fine folks over at Apt 613 just published an article I wrote about a brand new Ottawa restaurant called City Goose. That pizza you see in the photo above is from them, 

Competitive Cooking Shows, and Why I Can’t Stands ‘Em

Competitive Cooking Shows, and Why I Can’t Stands ‘Em

If you haven’t been able to tell yet, I’m drawn to all things food, cooking and restaurants. I skip straight to the food section in newspapers. I’ll read articles in food magazines and websites even if I’m not going to learn anything from them. I 

Times of Transition and Uncertainty

Times of Transition and Uncertainty

It’s a scary time right now in the world, especially if you view your world through the lens of the restaurant industry. I talk a lot about how I’m making a transition, to be a writer – hopefully a full-time one. But I’ll always be 

Chef Chef Chefitty Chef Chef Chef

Chef Chef Chefitty Chef Chef Chef

So, as I keep telling you all, I’m a former chef. I guess that’s not really 100% true, though. I mean, I’m certainly not working in a professional kitchen right now, though very few of us are. Right now, I’m sitting on the couch writing