My First Dish: Tomato-Basil Pasta Salad

My First Dish: Tomato-Basil Pasta Salad

Welcome back, dear readers. Good tidings to you all. A fine spring day here in Ottawa, the snow is melting, the sub-zero temperatures are gradually warming up. And the hearts of restaurateurs are warming as well, due to the decision to allow 50% dining room 

Last Night A (Quesa) Dilla Saved My Life

Last Night A (Quesa) Dilla Saved My Life

Welcome back, readers and friends! Seems I took a bit of an 11-day absence there. Unintended, to be sure. Just working on a lot of projects these days. I’m back now, so let’s get to it. I’m sick of cooking! Sick of being stuck indoors! 

Chicky Chicky Parm Parm

Chicky Chicky Parm Parm

Happy Monday, and welcome back dear readers! Can you believe that we’re almost done the first month of 2021? We thought we’d never get here and yet, here we are. Here at our place, Liz and I find ourselves firmly entrenched inside against a snowy, 

I Can’t Think of a Shakshuka Pun!

I Can’t Think of a Shakshuka Pun!

Brrrr! It’s cold outside! Now, granted most of us still don’t really have anywhere to go most days, but that kinda chill creeps its way into your bones whether or not you cross the threshold of your front door. What’s the perfect way to stave 

I’d Do Anything For Loaf, But I Won’t Make That (Then I Did Make That)

I’d Do Anything For Loaf, But I Won’t Make That (Then I Did Make That)

Well, it’s officially winter, isn’t it? Here in Ottawa, that means there’s hardly any direct sunlight, the sky is a permanent shade of gunmetal grey, and it gets dark at about 4pm. So, for the next little while, I apologize for the (lack of) quality 

Tikka Masala? Butter Chicken? Zac VS. Liz!

Tikka Masala? Butter Chicken? Zac VS. Liz!

Hey pals, just a quick little post today about a dish I made last night. There’s a bit of a story here (isn’t there always?), so bear with me. Or, use the little scrolly arrows at the side of the screen to get right to 

Meatballs With a Chance of Disaster

Meatballs With a Chance of Disaster

Hey everybody, happy Monday. I hope everyone is doing well today. There’s a lot going on in the outside world and I can feel the pressure creeping in. Winter is coming. Here in Ontario, we’re not sure whether or not we’ll be getting out of 

The Big Cheese: Baked Macaroni and Cheese

The Big Cheese: Baked Macaroni and Cheese

AKA: Zacaroni and Cheese Welcome back everybody! It’s a brand-new week, it’s summertime in Ottawa and aside from the odd terrifying thunderstorm, the weather is fantastic as of late. Get outside with the people in your bubble and have yourself a picnic or a cookout! 

Too Hot To Cook? Here’s What To Do

Too Hot To Cook? Here’s What To Do

Hey all! Welcome back. Apologies for the lack of posts lately. I’ve been busy with other things, or have had a complete lack of motivation to do, well, anything. I get like that when the temperature rises. Here in Ottawa, summer weather generally means either 

Let’s Larb!

Let’s Larb!

I’m in a bit of a rut again, dinnerwise. I’ll be perfectly honest, I’m not a summertime cook. When it gets hot, I want to sit on a patio or in a park and have the cooking done for me. I needed some new dishes,