Fresh Off The Grill

The Road To Umami, Via San Francisco-Style Garlic Noodles

The Road To Umami, Via San Francisco-Style Garlic Noodles

Welcome back, fine readers. We’ve hit December of 2020! This has been one of the weirdest and most stressful years of my life. I’m thankful for a lot of things, though. I’m extremely lucky to be in the position I’m in. At home, warm and 

I’d Do Anything For Loaf, But I Won’t Make That (Then I Did Make That)

I’d Do Anything For Loaf, But I Won’t Make That (Then I Did Make That)

Well, it’s officially winter, isn’t it? Here in Ottawa, that means there’s hardly any direct sunlight, the sky is a permanent shade of gunmetal grey, and it gets dark at about 4pm. So, for the next little while, I apologize for the (lack of) quality 

Tikka Masala? Butter Chicken? Zac VS. Liz!

Tikka Masala? Butter Chicken? Zac VS. Liz!

Hey pals, just a quick little post today about a dish I made last night. There’s a bit of a story here (isn’t there always?), so bear with me. Or, use the little scrolly arrows at the side of the screen to get right to 

You Can’t Tune A Piano, But You Can Tuna Fish… Casserole

You Can’t Tune A Piano, But You Can Tuna Fish… Casserole

Happiest of Mondays, everybody. There’s a distinct chill in the air, there’s snow on the ground, so you know what that means. Yes, it’s excuse #5,371 to make us some comfort food. I’ve really been enjoying my kick of making really old, homestyle dinner recipes 

This Shepherd’s Pie is Lambtastic

This Shepherd’s Pie is Lambtastic

So, it kinda goes without saying that the last month or so has been tough. Here in Ottawa, we faced a re-lockdown of sorts. Restaurants were closed again for indoor dining, leaving only patio and take out as options. Luckily, the notoriously cold Ottawa fall 

I’ve Lost Respect For Danny Meyer

I’ve Lost Respect For Danny Meyer

So, just a quick post today. Just some thoughts rolling around in my head. Is it cooking focused? No. Is it restaurant focused? Kind of? Do you know who Danny Meyer is? He’s the owner of multiple prominent restaurants in the States and around the 

Meatballs With a Chance of Disaster

Meatballs With a Chance of Disaster

Hey everybody, happy Monday. I hope everyone is doing well today. There’s a lot going on in the outside world and I can feel the pressure creeping in. Winter is coming. Here in Ontario, we’re not sure whether or not we’ll be getting out of 

A Few Thoughts On Culinary Credentials

A Few Thoughts On Culinary Credentials

Hello again! Another week in absentia from me when it comes to posting, I apologize. It’s been busy. I had some health stuff to take care of. I’m trying to be more active as an admin on the Food and Beverage Industry Ottawa Facebook group. 

Sorry For The Long Absence, But Here’s Ropa Vieja!

Sorry For The Long Absence, But Here’s Ropa Vieja!

Welcome back friends and neighbors. It’s been a while since I posted anything. It’s been a long week over here, I must say. Lots going on and I am simply exhausted. Not the smallest of things is the fact that tomorrow, we’re adopting a cat. 

H.C.T.P. #3: He Who Spelt It, Dealt It

H.C.T.P. #3: He Who Spelt It, Dealt It

Welcome back, friends and neighbors, for this week’s edition of Here Comes the Pain. This is episode three, for those that are counting. After two weeks of delightful bread successes, I decided to ever-so-slightly up the difficulty this week. The bread that I tried this